
Bullies won’t hurt you anymore

                                                                  Child reading a book under a tree

Front cover of Bullies Don't Hurt Me Anymore

  Bullies Don’t Hurt Me Anymore

A children’s book to educate young children, ages 4-8 on how to stop bullies. We follow the story of 5 year old Jax, who is being bullied, but is too scared to stop it. Richard, a 10 year old boy, comes to the aid of Jax, telling him his story, how he learnt to stop the bullies when he was five, how he has been bully free since, now having lots of friends and is happy.  
This children’s book (ages 4-8), helps children learn how to stop bullies before they start school, where bullying begins to have a real impact. Written in simple language for easy understanding, young children will learn how to stop bullying from affecting them.  

Children at this age have not developed the language skills to be fluent in explaining what is happening to them, how they are feeling about it or how to ask for help. This book gives them the skills to talk to their parents by explaining bullying and the emotional pain in simple terms. This Educational book is in story format, children can relate to the characters if they have experienced similar issues, giving them the skills required to discuss bullying with their parents, giving them a voice that needs to be heard.  
Uniquely and importantly, there is a specific message and checklist for parents and teachers, to help them understand bullying and how to recognize if a child is being bullied. This book also shows parents how to support and encourage their children to defeat bullies.  
As children age, bullying becomes more aggressive and more complicated, these early learning techniques need to be expanded upon to keep them safe. To advance these skills, please obtain a copy of Bullying What are we really scared of? This multi award winning book is the next in the series that will help your children learn how to protect themselves from all forms of bullying throughout their lives. 

Silver Award for expertly delivering a thought provoking theme that is easy reading, fluent and powerful using appropriate language by Literary Titan 2022.
  Literary Titan Silver Book Award Winner
Teddy Bear waving from a plane
Bullying What are we really scared of book cover

  Bullying What are we really scared of?

This multi award winning book for ages 8 + is a comprehensive educational guide to bullying. From the schoolyard through to the workplace, cyber bullying, domestic and family violence, even elder abuse, this book covers all areas of bullying.  
Have you ever wondered why some people don’t get bullied but you do? This book explains why you were chosen, why you responded the way you did, why no one would step in to help and how to stop it yourself? Understanding bullying is crucial to defeating it, knowing how the bullies think, you will know what tactics they’ll use and what to do to counter them to defeat the bully. With practice, you can stop the bullies before they even start. 

Winner of the Best Self Help Book for 2018 by the Pacific Book Awards. Finalist for Self-Help Books for 2019 by the Book Excellence Awards. Gold Award for Education/Reference for 2020 by the Elite Choice Book Awards. Silver Award for expertly delivering a thought provoking theme that is easy reading, fluent and powerful using appropriate language by Literary Titan 2020. Finalist for Education and Academic for its high quality writing for 2021 by the Book Excellence Awards. 
Pacific Book Awards Winner
  Book Excellence Award Finalist

Elite Choice Book Awards Winner
  Literary Titan Silver Book Award Winner
  Book Excellence Award Finalist
Bullying What are we really scared of? explains bullying as it truly is, from the bully’s prospective because it is only when we truly understand it can we begin to fix it. From years of experience using my formula to stop bullies, being bully free for over 25 years, I offer the reader”  
• Realistic, affordable and easy solutions to the bullying problem  
• A detailed action plan that is easy to use and remember for the next time 
• Empowering victims to overcome their fears so they can stop the bullies easily 
• Tools for victims to diffuse bullying situations 
• Educating bystanders to understand their role in helping victims  
• Educating parents to understand the situation their child is in and how to help 
• Educating school staff how to help the victims instead of punishing them 
• Educating the Justice System to help victims of all forms of abuse 
• Educating governments and education departments on better policy and 
  decision making 
This informative book challenges the current "system" response of victim shaming, blaming and punishment laying the foundation for a successful way of dealing with bullies. Highlighting the laws that protect victims but are not used "system wide" in the current approach to bullying, demonstrating to victims that whilst the "system" will not help them, there are plenty of tips in the book to take care of the problem themselves.  
As anyone who has experienced the system response to bullying will tell you, the best you can expect is a temporary solution to a long-term problem. The bully will come back harder and faster at you because they cannot and will not except the blame and guilt for what they have done. 
Statistics show the system response for the last 50 years has only seen bullying flourish. We are now at 1 in 3 people of any age, will be bullied/abused, sexually assaulted, cyber-bullied, etc. These statistics have dramatically increased in the last 10 years, in other words, there are many more bullies in the world and the system is not dealing with it effectively. Relying on this system to help has been fraught with danger – with re-victimization, victim blaming, shaming and punishments. This does not have to happen. We can solve our own bullying problems, easily, effectively and affordably

Child reading a magical book
"The people who read your magic life-changing book will be hanging onto every word, like I have. Your book has empowered me beyond description - it's changed EVERYTHING. 
All aspects of my life are different now - it's been all-encompassing. My relationship with my children is different. My relationship with the world is different. The relationship I have with myself is different. I owe it all to you. You've transformed my entire life Brenda and I will always be eternally grateful to you. 
I decided that every time I had to see my ex I would take your book with me as my safety net, my security blanket, my lucky charm...... but your book has made me so strong that I don't need to. 
I'm Free. It's such fun.”
Jenny Miller

Bullies are not that scary when we understand them, the situation is easy to control when you know how. Everyone has the ability and the power to stop bullies, it’s the “know how” that is lacking. I am here to give you this information and to tell you how easy it is to be BULLY FREE FOREVER!  
With both books combined, your life in its entirety can be bully free. 

Control the situation before it controls you!
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